Saturday, August 20, 2016

Good Bye my Friends

     The last day at Emafini Primary was a beautiful celebration of township teaching through songs and words that made me feel loved and appreciated.  The teacher dressed in traditional African attire sang, performed and spoke in a presentation like no other.  I will miss these educators and I am proud to call them my friends.  Did I get home sick? Yes, I missed my family, my bed, my shower, my washing machine, my car, my privacy, but I gained so much insight and learned more than I ever thought possible.  I promise to be more patient with the international teachers at our school because it is hard to be immersed in a foreign country even when the people speak English.  The accents are hard to understand.  The money is difficult to convert.  The customs are strange and the food is delicious, but not like mom would make.  As this adventure comes to a close, I look forward to sharing what I have seen and learned with my students and coworkers.  I would also like to thank the people who funded our trip and Donyell Roseboro for writing the grant for us.

Hamba kakuhle! (Go well)

Team leader for fourth grade and Kathy Fox - UNCW professor 
Level 3 teacher and Ms. Boschert
Student performers with recorders from Mrs. Ludwig 
Donyell Roseboro-Grant writer and miracle worker

The level 4 team
Level 1 teacher with Mrs. Ketchum and Mrs. Stilles

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