Saturday, July 23, 2016

LoveLife Center

Day 4, 5, and 6 -July 19, 20, 21, 2016


What we did:  During these three days we visited many of the different community services provided for the youth in the area.  The LoveLife organizations provides opportunities for young adults and children between the ages of 10-24.  We participates in a vigil for AIDS victims, visited the rape center, Amadoda Okwenene (Men's counseling center), the resource office for the blind, library and a local high school.
What I know:  In South Africa, young adults are considered to be under their parents guidance until they reach 25 years of age.  South Africa has 17% of all HIV infections and less than one percent of the total world population.  The risk of getting HIV is higher in Africa than in any other place in the world.  One out of every 2 teenagers get HIV in Africa.  Einstein worked at the LoveLife Center and he was a very charismatic character.  Our whole group feel in love with him and would have gladly taken him back to the states with us. Everywhere we went the needs seemed overwhelming and the finances never seemed to be adequate. I felt that because of necessity the people were looking to us for donations to fund their programs.    
What I think:  My son is 23 years of age and I found myself comparing him with Einstein and the other young men that we meet at the LoveLife center. The two are alike in the energy that they exhibit.  I wish I could bottle that ceaseless enthusiasm for life. My son lives in a bedroom that is part of our house and he would never dream of bringing a girl over for the night.  I have never spoken to my son about STDs and maybe I should.

Einstein's home

License pla

Radio program at the LoveLife Center

Xhosa Language Lesson

What we did:  

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